Buy Me A Coffee

The keyboard keeps you more productive if you have to handle a lot of text every day.

It doesn't matter much what the text represents: code, post, note, etc.

In this article, I want to share hotkeys that I'm using daily while working in the Visual Studio Code.

Worth to note, that the list of shortcuts is available by this combination Ctrl + K Ctrl + S.

Spread cursor selection over several lines

Shortcut Windows Shortcut Mac Effect
Ctrl + Alt + Up Option + Command + Up Add cursor above
Ctrl + Alt + Down Option + Command + Down Add cursor below

Alt Text

Select entries starting from the word under the cursor

Shortcut Windows Shortcut Mac Effect
Ctrl + D Command + D Add Selection To Next Find Match

Alt Text

Change all occurrences of the word under the cursor

Shortcut Windows Shortcut Mac Effect
Ctrl + F2 Command + F2 Change All Occurrences

Alt Text

Tell editor to treat document in the selected format

Shortcut Windows Shortcut Mac Effect
Ctrl + K M Command + K M Change Language Mode

Alt Text

Copy active line up or down without altering the clipboard

Shortcut Windows Shortcut Mac Effect
Shift + Alt + Down Shift + Option + Down Copy Line Down
Shift + Alt + Up Shift + Option + Up Copy Line Up

Alt Text

Delete line without altering the clipboard

Shortcut Windows Shortcut Mac Effect
Ctrl + Shift + K Command + Shift + K Delete Line

Alt Text

Move focus to the open editors' view

Shortcut Windows Shortcut Mac Effect
Ctrl + K E Command + K E Focus On Open Editors View

Alt Text

Compare file with the clipboard

Shortcut Windows Shortcut Mac Effect
Ctrl + K C Command + K C Compare Active File With Clipboard

Alt Text

Fast navigation within the file

Shortcut Windows Shortcut Mac Effect
Ctrl + Shift + . Command + Shift + . Focus Breadcrumbs

Alt Text

Fold/unfold section

Shortcut Windows Shortcut Mac Effect
Ctrl + Shift + [ Option + Command + [ Fold
Ctrl + Shift + ] Option + Command + ] Unfold
Ctrl + K Ctrl + 0 Command + K Command + 0 Fold All
Ctrl + K Ctrl + J Command + K Command + J Unfold All

Alt Text

Format document/section

Shortcut Windows Shortcut Mac Effect
Shift + Alt + F Shift + Option + F Format Document
Ctrl + K Ctrl + F Command + K Command + F Format Section

Alt Text

Go to matching bracket

Shortcut Windows Shortcut Mac Effect
Ctrl + Shift + \ Command + Shift + \ Go To Bracket

Alt Text

Move line up/down

Shortcut Windows Shortcut Mac Effect
Alt + Up Option + Up Move line up
Alt + Down Option + Down Move line down

Alt Text

Rename symbol globally

Shortcut Windows Shortcut Mac Effect
F2 F2 Rename symbol

Alt Text

Toggle terminal

Shortcut Windows Shortcut Mac Effect

| Ctrl + | Control + | Toggle Integrated Terminal |

Alt Text

Split terminal and switching between terminals (updated)

Shortcut Windows Shortcut Mac Effect
Ctrl + Shift + 5 Command + \ Split Terminal
Alt + Up Option + Command + Up Focus Previous Pane
Alt + Left Option + Command + Left Focus Previous Pane
Alt + Down Option + Command + Down Focus Next Pane
Alt + Right Option + Command + Right Focus Next Pane

Thanks to fernandomaia and einav7 I've got shortcuts for the Mac!

Alt Text

Create a new terminal

Shortcut Windows Shortcut Mac Effect

| Ctrl + Shift + | Control + Shift +|Create New Integrated Terminal |

Alt Text

Split/move editor

Shortcut Windows Shortcut Mac Effect
Ctrl + \ Command + \ Split Editor
Shift + Alt + 0 Option + Command + 0 Toggle Vertical/Horizontal Editor Layout
Ctrl + Alt + Left Command + K Shift + Command + Left Move Editor Into Previous Group
Ctrl + Alt + Right Command + K Shift + Command + Right Move Editor Into Next Group

Alt Text


I hope that these shortcuts will help to boost your productivity as they are helping me.

All examples are given for the Windows-compatible keyboard, but they will also work on Mac. Simply replace Alt with Option and Ctrl with Control.

If you know some other helpful shortcuts, please, feel free to share them in the comments!

Want to know how I've drawn the cover image? Check this article.

This post is also available on DEV.